
Sharing with You What You Need to Know

Inflation: What Small Business Owners Need to Know

Are you concerned about looming inflation? As a small business owner, it’s nothing to fear…if you are informed and aware. If we can be a resource in any way, please reach out. In the meantime, this video may be of use to you.

Taking the Recession in Stride

Inflation is up, the stock market is down; that can only mean one thing, right? No so fast. Recession often has a negative connotation, but it’s a natural part of the business cycle. As a small business owner, this is no time to batter down the hatches, but it is a time to take a closer look at controllable aspects of your business. Let Marc explain.

Navigating Inflation: How to Handle Debt, Pricing, and Costs

Debt. Pricing. Costs. These are the three aspects of being a business owner that you’ve got to master during an inflationary period if you want to thrive. That’s why Marc is here with a video explaining how you should navigate through each facet of your financials. Spend a few minutes and watch!

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